
Definitions and abbreviations


“Accessibility is a precondition for persons with disabilities to live independently and participate fully and equally in society. Without access to the physical environment, to transportation, to information and communication, including information and communications technologies and systems, and to other facilities and services open or provided to the public, persons with disabilities would not have equal opportunities for participation in their respective societies.” (Source: General Comment N°2 of the CRPD)

accessibility of buildings

The provision of buildings or parts of buildings for people, regardless of disability, age or gender, to be able to approach, enter, use and exit from and evacuate a building independently, in an equitable and dignified manner and to the greatest extent possible21

alternative formats

Formats of documents and other information that include options that can be read via touch, sound or sight, e.g., the format can be read easily by screen-reading software, such as EPUB, DAISY, HTML or Braille readable format, or has been designed with pictures or icons and simple, large letters/type or font


A system of raised dots that people who are blind can use to read with their fingers

built environment

Defined by the ISO as “external and internal environments and any element, component or fitting that is commissioned, designed, constructed and managed for use by people”;22 examples include schools, playgrounds, toilets, health centres and UNICEF premises



Communication Access Realtime Translation; the instantaneous translation of spoken language into text that can be displayed in various forms and on a screen or monitor

clear headroom

Space above walkways to prevent hazards, particularly for tall people, persons with low vision or who are blind (from, e.g., cupboards, signposts, the bottom of stairways or tree branches)


Centimetre (1 cm = 0.393 inches)

colour blindness

The inability to determine some colours; for example, green or red colours may appear to be grey


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


Digital Accessible Information System; a global standard for digital books with audio supporting people who are blind or have other disabilities, such as dyslexia


Electronic publishing; the current standard is 3.223


Completely level or even with another surface (not raised)


The horizontal part of a stair or step; also the horizontal distance between the start and end of a ramp


Bars/railings that are placed beside bus seats, toilet seats, showers or bedsides to provide support, e.g., for transfer from a wheelchair to a toilet or for passengers to safely stand on a bus


UNICEF’s internal Greening and Accessibility Fund

hearing loop (audio induction loop)

A sound system (built-in or portable) that produces an electromagnetic signal in an area of a building that can be received directly by hearing aids


HyperText Markup Language


International Organization for Standardization; a worldwide federation of national standards bodies that prepares widely used standards through its technical committees


Job Access With Speech; a computer screen-reader program for Microsoft Windows that allows blind and visually impaired users to read the screen either with a text-to-speech output or by a refreshable Braille display

kerb ramp

A lowered kerb that provides a ramp for easier access to roads at sidewalk crossings; also called a ‘dropped kerb’, ‘sidewalk cut-out’ or ’curb ramp’


Kilometre (1 km = 0.62 miles)

landing space

Space at the top and bottom of stairs and ramps, or in between and in front of lifts that helps people to safely rest or manoeuvre; there can be intermediate landings if a ramp or a flight of stairs is very long


The main part of a door or window, which may swing outwards or inwards, or slide sideways


Light Reflectance Value; a measure of colour contrast, which makes it easier for people with vision impairment to differentiate hazards and objects (on a scale of 0–100: 0 = black, 100 = white)


The unit of measuring light (= to 1 lumen per square metre)


Metre (1 m = 1.09 yards = 3.28 feet)

manoeuvring space

Space needed to make a U-turn or to change position or direction of movement, especially for persons using wheelchairs or walking frames, or when a person is being carried on a stretcher during an emergency

mm, mm2

Millimetre, square millimetre


Organization of Persons with Disabilities; sometimes referred to as Disabled People’s Organization (DPO)

persons with disabilities

Includes those persons with long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments that in interaction with attitudinal and environmental barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others


Programme Information Database; a UNICEF database with codes to report financial expenditures on activities


Sloped pathway/surface that allows easy level change for people using bikes, strollers, wheelchairs and other objects with wheels


The reach, enter, circulate, use concept


The vertical part between each stair/step


Sustainable Development Goals


Slip Resistance Value; a form of measuring slip resistance


A raised or bumpy surface that can be felt through touch


A low step (less than 2.5 cm) that can be found at the bottom of a doorway


Terms of reference


The horizontal part of a step, excluding the step nose


Tactile Walking Surface Indicators; tactile guiding pavements (tiles, strips) often required before hazards like roads or stairs that provide bumpy patterns on the ground or surface, which assist people who are blind or have vision impairment to feel (using a cane or feet) a clear pathway to walk or to alert them to hazards

universal design

The designing of products, environments, programmes and services to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design


A vertical support piece alongside a path/ramp for safety and guidance


Water, sanitation and hygiene